Thursday, April 25, 2024 by Kate Lynch
I have a story. You have a story. We all have a story to share that has the potential to lift or motivate others to also make a difference in this world. What holds us back from sharing our story? Fear of other people’s opinions? What if they can’t relate or understand? How do we set those fears aside for the common good and dive into our story?
Connection. I love nothing more than writing or reading a story where I feel connected to what the character feels, or I can relate to the author’s message. To connect to a story’s emotional resonance makes me feel, well, human. When we feel a common thread, there’s an almost magical connection to the emotional content, the message, the struggle, or the experience that changes you. When you stop and say, “I’ve felt that.” That to me, is the power of story.
What’s that one book you’ve read or a movie you saw that validated how you as a human being? Someone else’s story that you related to because of what you’ve experienced, struggled with, or shared the same view of. The one story that changed my life was Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl. My mother gave me this book and a diary to go with it when I was about twelve years old (the same age as when Anne Frank started her diary). I dove right in. I loved her voice. I loved how honest and free she was with her words at such a young age. I loved how determined she was to be cheerful and positive amidst the nightmare that surrounded her. I also loved that Anne gave her diary a name, like a friend. A friend she could trust, be with, pour her heart out to. My diaries became a friend to me, too. I looked forward to finding a quiet space, usually in my room, curled up with pillows and stuffed animals and setting my thoughts free. Mostly, I could relate to her feelings of hope. Her story gave me the courage to express my feelings about my everyday struggles, confusion, and fear growing up with a mother with mental illness and the pain and feelings of isolation I felt. Feelings that were bigger than me, feelings that made me feel powerless, but once I put them on paper, they didn’t feel so big anymore. Anne Frank’s story helped me to understand that no matter what’s going on around me in the world, I can shut it all out and go inside myself and find peace. And no one can take that away from me.
We can never stop thinking our stories won’t make a difference to someone. A friend told me one, “There’s a child out there waiting for your story.” I believe in that. I write for that child out there and for the child within me.
I’m cheering YOU on as you think about your own story and how it can help others. Leave me any comments if you feel so inspired. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Renata Bowers From Somers, CT At 4/29/2024 8:11:42 AM
Thank you, Kate, for this reminder of how story can inspire story, and why it's important to make life decisions that positively impact others. My best to you in this new adventure!Reply by: Kate Lynch Books
Thank you, friend!!! XOKarin Cannon From New Hampshire At 4/28/2024 9:49:25 AM
Kate, This is a lovely newsletter and you have found your voice as a writer!Lenore Lyons From Cape Cod At 4/26/2024 10:09:34 AM
We learned so much from her daily writings. Anne Frank influenced our perception of WW II by simply telling her story. We all have our own story to share.Reply by: Kate Lynch Books
We certainly do! Sharing one's own perspective can make such a difference to someone else.April From At 4/25/2024 1:08:46 PM
What a great post, Kate! It's so true that the stories that grab you and stick with you are the ones that emotionally resonate with you.Reply by: Kate Lynch Books
Right?? I'm always drawn to those stories, especially true ones.Share This Blog
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