Kate Lynch
KidLit Writer - Believer - Mom - Photographer


Bound by the Love...
Wednesday, February 14, 2024 by Kate Lynch

Bound by the LOVE...of making a difference in writing for children

We’re ALL bound by love on this journey of writing for children. Our love of words, love of children, love of learning, love of books, the love of doing good.

We’re all in a different place on our journey. To me, that’s the magic. Those who have been in the business a long time share their wisdom, support, and their love with those just starting out. What also brings us together in love is the love of community, of belonging, of knowing we’re not in this alone. The support from other writers is the glue. We support each other by buying other’s books, writing reviews, exchanging manuscripts, and celebrating even the small wins, together.

What binds us together in love is what we share from our hearts in our stories. We want nothing more but to share love through our stories to reach the hearts and minds of children. But there were times I blocked out what was in my heart out of fear. What if I opened my heart so wide it got trampled? What if what I write from my heart only flows one way? After battling the ‘what ifs’, I realized I needed to love myself first. I needed to trust what was in my heart was genuine and real. I also needed to trust that the love from others was genuine and real. As I began to trust and believe in love, I healed. The more I opened my heart, the more the world opened up to me. The more I wrote from the heart and not from my head, the more I felt I was right where I was meant to be. I wasn’t afraid anymore. I thank those who helped me along my journey to keep my heart open. Love is meant to be shared and embraced with those we love, and through our stories that reach the hearts of generations to come. Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!! Let’s keep sharing the Love

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Bound by the Love...
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