Letting Go, Discovering the Magic of Un-Plugging
Friday, September 8, 2023 by Kate Lynch
The world is a noisy and complicated place. As writers, we need to give ourselves permission to take a break and unplug to be able to hear our own thoughts. I gave myself permission a few weeks ago to step back from my writing for just one day and to connect with nature. Nature is where I re-connect to my authentic self. Nature is peace, and to me, that’s where God is.
It happened to be a warm October day. So, I shut down my laptop and my phone and opened myself up to what ‘life’ had to offer. The freedom and magic in letting go gave my mind, my heart, my soul a break from tasks, to do lists, revising, thoughts about other projects, and research. Once I stepped into my kayak and left the world behind did my mind begin to be in the moment. A place where only the rhythm of my paddle dipping into the brackish water and the vessel that carried me mattered. I watched in awe as schools of baitfish swam by, giving me a sense of peace and serenity. I stopped paddling and let my kayak glide. I peered down into the depths and realized I could see to the bottom where clam and oyster shells rested. It made me think about how long they had been there and what the world was like then.
I was not only in nature, but nature was a part of me. Schools of fish swam with me, great blue herons seemed to direct my way. I began to let go even more; I began to trust. Nature has so much to teach us. I didn’t want to paddle home. I wanted to stay and feel a part of something that was peaceful, nurturing, and beautiful.
I finally returned with my heart full, my mind clear, my soul inspired, and renewed. I know we all have deadlines to meet, book marketing to cross off our list, time spent revising and editing, and commitment to school visits, but when you can, unplug. Go for a hike, a walk, or just be outside on the grass in your bare feet. Unplugging and letting go is essential in today’s world. We have to give ourselves permission. You may be surprised at how much more inspired and refreshed you’ll feel. There’s magic out there, I promise.
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