Kate Lynch
KidLit Writer - Believer - Mom - Photographer


Thank you for visiting my website! I’m glad you’re here.

My greatest joy is to craft stories for children of all ages by sharing my life experiences and insights that inspire me as a writer, a mom, and a passionate observer of life. My stories gently bring to light the challenges kids face today of feeling confident, loved, and accepted to embrace their journeys in an ever- changing world. Issues I’ve faced in my own life and still do! I strive to blend compelling narratives that incorporate both science-based subject matter and life lessons to empower young children. As a multi-genre children's book writer, I hope to fuse empathy, kindness, and faith with fascinating science to entertain, educate, and inspire young hearts and minds.

Good things come to those who Believe, better things come to those who are patient, and the best things come to those who don’t give up.” Unknown Author

This website serves as a gateway that offers a glimpse into my journey as a writer and for you to stay connected with me and my work. I include engaging excerpts and sample chapters from my works in progress, and coming soon, news on upcoming releases and author interviews. I invite you to dive in, connect with my story, and stay informed about who I am and what I do.

Additionally, consider subscribing to my Monthly Newsletter below to stay informed of my latest publishing news, writing tips, giveaways, and inspirations. I look forward to having you join my ever-growing readership community!

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uplifting - motivating - positive - inspiration

You are a Snowflake & The World Needs You

You are a Snowflake & The World Needs You Welcome new subscribers, and greetings to those who take the time to read my Blog. I appreciate you! The world these days is a complicated, confusing, and out of sorts place. Fear, anger, and frustration permeate our lives, making us feel powerless. What can we do? One thing we can do is remember what’s in our control, and what’s not. We can only control our thoughts, words, and actions. Not the worries of the world. I also believe we are here to do our...read more
writing tools - motivating - positive

Bullet Journaling Part II: Reflecting on our Surprises and Blessings from 2024 and Goals for 2025

Happy New Year, and Welcome!! If you missed my post in September on Bullet Journaling, I’m revisiting it in this post for January, a clean slate, and diving into what went well for you in 2024. Bullet Journaling is a way to structure your goals for each month. Because it’s a new year, I like to write down three goals for the year in the first week in January, and the three steps on how I’m going to get there. To start, let’s stick with writing down three goals for the month, three steps on how...read more
uplifting - personal stories - motivating - positive - inspiration

What Inspires YOU?

Hello current and recent Subscribers! Thank you for hanging in there with me. It’s been a busy fall and a bit of a crazy time for us all. My husband, and I celebrated our 35th Anniversary by going on a trip to Portugal and Spain. I know, lucky us! It was an amazing trip, many sights to see, many beautiful cities to explore, and oh, so many bookish surprises. On reflecting back on our trip and getting back into my writing, I thought about what inspires me? What makes me get up at 5am, open my lap top, and put words on...read more

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